Our Needs

The following items and goods are our daily needs products

Please kindly contact our Head Office if you wish to make a contribution, donation or gifts

Thank you for your generousity and patronage.

日常用品 Consumable Product

洗碗液 Dish Washing Liquid (大)
洗发水 Shampoo (大)
冲凉水 Body Shampoo (大)
肥皂 Soap Bar
洗衣粉 Cloth Washing Powder
牙膏 Toothpaste
毛巾 Bath Towel
消毒水 Dettol
拖地水 Floor Liquid Cleaner (大)
扫把 Broom
垃圾袋 (大)Rubbish Bag – Big
漂白水 Bleach (大)
晒衣架 Cloth Hanger
拖把 Mop
地面清洗液 Floor Cleaning Liquid
厕所清洗液 Toilet Cleaner Liquid
灭蚊水 Mosquito Killer
衣物柔软剂 Clothes Softener

材料 Cooking Material

江鱼仔 Ikan Bilis
虾米 Dried Shrimp
腐乳 Fermented beancurd
南乳 Nam Yee
红辣椒 Red Chilis
辣椒干 Dried Chilies
蒜米 Garlic
大葱 Onion
姜 Ginger
罐头菜心 Cai Xin Preserved
鸡蛋 Egg
马铃薯 Potato
咸蛋 Salt Egg
皮蛋 Preserved egg
冬菇 Mushroom
腊肠 Preserved Sausage
沙丁鱼 Sardine Fish
豆鼓鲮鱼 Fried Dace
午餐肉 Luncheon Meat

肉类 Meat

鸡肉 Chicken
牛肉 Beef
猪肉 Pork
羊肉 Lamb
鸭肉 Duck
肉丸 Meat Ball
鱼丸 Fish Ball

水果 Fruit

橙 Orange
芒果 Mango
苹果 Apple
西瓜 Watermelon
香蕉 Bananas
葡萄 Grapes
梨 Pear
蜜瓜 HoneyDew
各种菜类 Vegetables


杂货 Groceries

糖 Sugar
盐 Salt
冰糖 Rock Sugar
味精 Ajinomoto
加哩粉 CurryPowder
面粉 Corn Flour
鸡精粉 Chicken Stock
炸鸡粉 Fried Chicken Powder
胡椒粒 Pepper Grain
胡椒粉 Pepper
蜀粉 Tropiaco Flour
松肉粉 Meat Tenderizer
马来盏 Belacan
食油 Cooking Oil
蚝油 Oyster Sauce
黑酱油 Dark Soy Sauce
酱油 Soy Sauce
鱼露 Fish Sauce
酸梅酱 Sour Plum Sauce
泰京酱 Thai Chili Sauce
辣椒酱 Chili Sauce
番茄酱 Tomato Sauce
花雕酒 ‘HuaDiao’ Wine
麻油 Sesame Oil
白醋 White Vinegar
绍兴酒 ‘ShaoXing’Wine
姜计 Garlic Juice
蜜糖 Honey
辣豆瓣酱 Spicy Fermented Soya Bean

食物 Food

奶粉 Milk Powder
米粉 Bihun
唯一面 Vit Mee
Maggi Mee各口味 (Any Flavour)
米 Rice
Vico 巧克力饮料 Chocolate Drink
咖啡奶茶 Coffee Tea Mix
咖啡乌 Kopi O
Milo 3 in 1/包装
Milo Pack 2kg
咖啡 3和1  Nescafe 3in1
各种饼干 Biscuit Cracker
甜奶 Sweetened Creamer
谈奶 Evaporated Milk
牛奶 Milk
利槟那 Ribena
花生酱 Peanut Butter
白兰他 Planta
红豆 Red Beans
绿豆 Green Beans
纪子 Lycium
红枣 Red Dates
八角 Anises
桂皮 Cinnamon Stick
陈皮 Dried Tangerine Peel
马蹄 Chestnut
鱿鱼干 Dried Squid Shreds
薏米 Barley
当归 Dong Gui
罗汉果 Lo Hon Guo
菊花 Chrysanthemum

